Ceresit CT48 Silicone Paint - 3.5L
- Product Code: F920
- Stock:2 - 3 Days
- Model: 3.5L
- Weight: 3.70kg
Ceresit CT48 Silicone Paint - 3.5L
Ceresit CT48 Silicone Paint is used for protecting facades, concrete structures, cement plasters, lime-cement plasters, lime plasters, mineral plasters on exterior and interior. The facades covered with Ceresit CT48 can be washed with appliances operating under low pressure. The exposure of the facade to the sun causes harmful stress, therefore dark colours should be used only on small areas, for example on architectural details. It should be used on clean, dry and smooth surfaces free from any substances that decrease adhesion such as grease, bitumen, dust. Ceresit CT48 can be applied on concrete aged over 28 days, on traditional cement plasters, lime-cement plasters and lime plasters aged over 14 days, on mineral and mineral-polymer plasters aged over 7 days, on acrylic plasters aged over 3 days, on gypsum substrates, on gypsum boards, gypsum-fibre boards primed before with Ceresit CT17 primer. The binder used in Ceresit CT48 Silicone Paint causes pearl like effect of water after wetting the coat.
Assumed consumption: depending on the smoothness and absorption of the substrate, on average approx. 0.3 l/m2 with two coatings
- Easy to use,
- Excellent vapour permeability,
- High resistance to dirt,
- UV resistant,
- Resistant to weather conditions,
- Resistant to biological corrosion,
- Good adhesion to the substrate,
- Manufactured in more than 200 colours.
- External walls,
- Internal walls
- Mix carefully for about 2 minutes before applying. It is possible to add not more than 10% of water, if such a need arises.
- Usually it is sufficient to paint twice. Between the application of the subsequent layers the 4 - 6 hour technological breaks should be maintained.
- The paint should be applied evenly by means of a brush, roller or a sprinkling device.
- Use only stainless containers and tools.
- Work on one surface should be carried on without any breaks using the paint of the same badge number (printed on each packaging).
- Any stains should be immediately rinsed with water.
- Application should be performed in dry conditions with the ambient and substrate temperature ranging from +5 to +25 C and the humidity below 80 %.
- Tools should be washed carefully with water directly after being used.
- Ceresit CT42 paint is impossible to be removed on glass, ceramic, wooden, metal and stone surfaces, therefore all the elements in contact with the paint should be protected.
- Stains should be carefully rinsed with water.
- Protective gloves and glasses should be worn while applying the paint to protect skin and eyes.